Serious About Self-care Blog

Why Ignoring Personal Craziness Will Be Your Downfall awareness tools Apr 17, 2022

During my first corporate speaking engagement, an attendee ran up to me because she thought my talk reinforced something her employee assistance program counselor shared with her.

She told me about

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3 Ways To Avoid Overcommitting Mar 16, 2022

In this video, I cover 3 ways you mid and senior career women can avoid overcommitting. Here the 

1. Ask the person who is presenting the opportunity if they have a plan.
2. Ask yourself if the opportun...

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Busy Women: 5 Guaranteed Antidotes For Chronic Stress Oct 18, 2021

Chronic stress is a rising problem for busy women as we chase careers, battle the wage gap, balance friendships and raise families. It makes sense that we’re all experiencing feeling tense, overloaded...

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How To Stop Being A Last Minute Person Feb 19, 2021

For a year I’ve known I was going to Mexico for the 2nd Annual My Taught You Retreat. For a year I’ve known I was going to buy new clothes for the trip. For a year I knew a lot of things about this tr...

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Using The Four Tendencies To Supercharge Your Self-care Feb 19, 2021

If I have learned nothing else from diving deep into personal development, it’s that self-assessment is key. What’s often missing from some of these online quizzes we take are the actionable steps of ...

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20 Self-Care Twitter Accounts to Get You Through this Global Pandemic Feb 19, 2021

With the current COVID-19 outbreak raging on, many have been placed under quarantine and are forced to stay inside their homes. Social distancing and the lack of social activities have caused many to ...

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Self-care Lessons from Civil Rights Leaders in Selma Feb 19, 2021

For the past couple of days, I've been following the coverage of the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama. No matter what I’m doing these days, I see everything through a self-care lens...

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The Purpose of A Self-care Plan Nov 18, 2018

You've downloaded your free self-care plan now what? Is this your first self-care plan?

If it is, you might be wondering why you need one and what it can do for you. While creating your plan, you have...

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What I Learned When I Did A Stress Audit Mar 01, 2014

I always thought of myself as a positive person. Well, I am a positive person on the outside but I never realized that in my head I carried a lot of fear, worry, and doubt. In my head, I had an image ...

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What is Self-care by Aisha? Feb 21, 2014

This blog is about to show you what every cliche in the book looks like. 2013 was the hardest (maybe second hardest) year of my life. Emotionally, physically and spiritually I was at my worst. At some...

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