Using The Four Tendencies To Supercharge Your Self-care
Feb 19, 2021 Copyright Gretchen Rubin[/caption]
Better Than Before
The Four Tendencies
I’m a Rebel! Rebel's are rare. I tend to be the only Rebel in the room. I think it’s essential for you all to know this about me. Rebels are unswayed by unconventional desires,but we also have a tough time accomplishing things. The structure and routine that I consider crucial for reducing stress and remaining strong in the face of challenges are against my very nature. It’s incredible that I have been able to keep to a focus on self-care for so long.
It's why I am confident that all of the information, strategies, and courses that are under my Prioritize You framework will likely work for the upholders, questioners, and obligers that I work with.
When you know your tendency it can help you understand why you are overwhelmed and sticking to a self-care routine may not come so easy.
Upholders: You must do absolutely everything so you put too much on your plate and everything doesn't get done. You tend not to make room for self-care.
Obligers: You are going to have a lot on your plate and when given the choice you are going to do something for someone else instead of doing something for yourself.
Questioners: You will research and read about self-care trying to find the perfect solution but never actually put it into practice. You might not even believe that it will work for you.
Rebels: You may find something you like to do but you won't stick with it.
These are things that have to be overcome to customize your self-care plan so that it works for you. If you are interested in working with me to develop your customized self-care plan, shoot me a quick email.