From Overwhelm to Overflow Group Coaching Program
It’s a life-changing program exclusively for boss women on the brink of burnout who want to get on the fast track to a seamless work-life balance and put work stress in the rearview mirror.
Imagine if in 90 days you had powerful strategies and routines that work for your lifestyle so that you can do your best at work, and then, unplug and invest that same level of energy into your family and friends and personal life?
We will provide you with the information, strategies, confidence, and accountability you need to revamp your life. You will find that the training is practical, interactive, and meant to encourage you to transform your career, relationships, and your life. The next group coaching program starts this summer.
Is this the story you want to tell?
Current Story: I am in a vicious cycle where promotions and greater achievements equal more responsibilities, more challenges, and less “me” and family time.
I thought the best way to explain the value of this program is to hear real results.
(Don't believe me just watch!)
In this 12-week highly interactive LIVE “From Overwhelm To Overflow” group coaching program, you’ll get clarity to choose effective self-care strategies that stick so that you have more energy and clarity during this challenging time (and beyond), including:
- Understanding the basic, yet misunderstood, principles of self-care so that you can actually lower your stress level
- Overcoming mental roadblocks so you never get stuck in the cycle of stress and overwhelm again
- Figuring out what's actually stressing you out so that you can address it head-on
- The key lessons I’ve learned over the past 5 years so that you don't have to suffer from the same mistakes
- PLUS Live Q&A and mentoring to get ALL your questions answered about how to go "From Overwhelmed To Overflow"
Program Overview
Session 1: Understanding What Self-care is All About
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- The specific issues successful women experience that lead to burnout.
- The ground rules we will abide by to create a safe and respectful environment
- The definition of self-care definition that will help you practice effective self-care
- Misconceptions of self-care that keep you off track from your goals
- The full From Overwhelm To Overflow process that will get you the results you desire
Session 2: How To Meaningfully Define Who You Really Are
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- How to get clear on exactly the lifestyle what you want
- How to identify your values and use them as road map for your life
- How to make personal and career decisions that are in line with with your values
- Methods to create a visually appealing reminders of your vision and values
Session 3: How To Figure Out What To Take Off Your Plate
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- The #1 behavior you must change in order to start taking better care of yourself.
- How to identify the “small stuff” (like clutter) that you don’t even know is stressing you out.
- Aisha’s 4-step process for figuring out when, where, and how stress shows up in your everyday life.
Apply Today
By October 1stSession 4: Find Time To Get The Important Things Done
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- Identify the time-wasting behaviors that are crowding out the time for self-care
- My top time management tips to help you find time for self-care every single day
- How to avoid being overcommitted and overwhelmed with responsibility
Session 5: Create A Self-care Plan That Works For You
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- How you can create a consistent schedule for self-care, even if you have a demanding full-time job, kids, and volunteer leadership positions!
- The fastest, cheapest, and easiest ways to get started with self-care.
- The morning routine that will set you up for success all-day
- How to decide what to focus on, instead of being “all over the place” with your self-care
Session 6: How To Ditch The Guilt And Set Boundaries
By the time you're done with this lesson, you'll know:
- Learn the consequences of not setting boundaries
- Discuss strategies for dealing with the guilt that comes with setting boundaries and saying no
- Learn two strategies to help you communicate your boundaries
- How to Create “A Self-care Bill of Rights”
Session 7: Celebrate Your Success
In this final session, we review all that you have done so far and celebrate your success.

Video Coaching
Between sessions, you will have access to Aisha through a video coaching platform. You can send a video, audio, or text message to her and she will respond in 24 hours.

Emotional First Aid Videos
When you join the group coaching program, you will receive a 4-part video series to learn the skills of emotional first aid. Treating the emotional injuries of daily life (and especially those triggered by the global health pandemic of COVID-19) deserves our attention. You will learn simple step-by-step techniques to better take care of yourself and support the mental health of others.

Free Ticket To Planting The Seeds of Self-care
Receive a VIP ticket to the next Planting The Seeds of Self-care in January 2023.